Walleye Fishing

Lake of the Woods is well known for its fantastic walleye fishery. Ash Bay and Ptarmigan Bay usually provides us all the walleye we need for lunches and each year we catch trophy walleye in excess of 10 pounds. You can cast, jig or troll depending on the conditions. Look for them in the mud bays first, then the sand bottoms and as the summer progresses deeper and more toward the rocks and points.

Leeches and nightcrawlers seem to be the favorite live bait for walleyes throughout the summer. Make sure you have a few on hand to use with either spinners or jigs. Other artificial minnow baits are used for casting or trolling when either the walleye are in the weeds or spread out over a big flat. Most of the big sow walleyes hit like you have just caught bottom but don't be fooled " Set your hook!" It sure feels good when that rock fights back. That feeling you get as the walleye is trying to stay near bottom and your light line is strained over the weight stays with you and makes you want to come back for more.

The biggest Walleye caught last year was 11 pounds. The camp record 14 pounds.

  • Season: Open January 1 to April 14 & 3rd Saturday in May to Dec 31

  • Limit: - Sport License: Lake of the Woods 2 in one day with only 4 in your possession

  • Limit: - Conservation License: Lake of the Woods 2 in 1 day with only 2 in your possession

  • Size Limit: Only 1 Walleye greater than 18.1 inches

  • All Shoal Lake Walleyes must be released. No open season.
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