Contact Us:
Northwest Outfitters & Outpost Camps
Don Sauve
Box 564
Kenora, Ontario
Canada P9N 3X5
Phone: (807) 548-4881
Cell: (807) 467-7508
Email: nwoutfitters@outlook.com
Transportation: You can drive to Kenora Ontario on paved roads and we meet you at Devil's Gap Marina. We have parking there for your vehicle close to our boat slip. From there we bring you to the lodge by boat.
AIR TRANSPORTATION: Northwest Airlines, Air Canada and Westjet are major commercial airlines flying in to Winnipeg. From Winnipeg connections can be made with Bearskin Airlines for a direct flight into Kenora. Flights may be booked directly through Bearskin Airlines using the toll free line at 1-800-465-2327, or on line by visiting www.bearskinairlines.com
Northwest Airlines also has commercial service to International Falls, Minnesota and a shuttle service can be arranged for transportation into Kenora from either International Falls or Winnipeg airports. A nominal fee applies. Please call us for further details.
For All border crossing information, MNR Regulations, and lots more go to www.canadawelcomesyou.net for the latest information.
STEP #1) Please enter your contact / group information in the fields to the left. Your information is confidential and is only used for booking your trip.
STEP #2) Below, please put an X in the box of the services you are booking. Please ONLY CLICK SUBMIT ONCE, a standard message pops up telling you that the email is being sent by regular email, just click OK. DO NOT enter any credit card information or anything confidential. The email comes directly to Northwest Outfitters but you never know.
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